
NFL rookie into the first football training camp

NFL rookie into the first football training camp

In camp, competition begins before breakfast, reaches the lower intestine on the morning you arrive and doesn’t end until you’re either sent home or you make your family proud. If it were a movie, a worthy title would be “The Never-ending Story. ” Which ironically is exactly what you’ll wish it was called once the hammer drops on the day of final roster cuts.Wholesale NFL Jerseys

As of recently, concussions have become a hot-button topic around the league as well as the country, but in order to survive in the NFL there’s a sad but realistic truth you must face.Training camp is a contest of will, a battle of attrition—one which exists far beyond the realms of safety and free from the shackles of equality—or at least some version of it that society presumes to prescribe to.Washington Redskins Jerseys

If the summer temperatures prove too intense for you, well, go home before you're seared by the scorching microscope of NFL evaluators ready to jump on every imperfection with reckless abandon.The media and NFL’s mega PR machines would like us to think player safety is a top priority and that players would be acting in their own best interest by being honest and forthright in regard to all head injuries—but truth be told, a player’s real interests are rarely centered around long-term safety.Jason Avant Jersey

As both the league and the media emphasize player safety to unprecedented levels, often in reaction to tragedy and lawsuits, the culture of toughness defined by playing through pain and injuries continues to become a thing of the past, an archaic mindset now long forgotten.Jason Peters Jersyes

