If you have any kind of pride in your profession, you must want to shove him in the tattooed chest, with the florid stupidities etched on it, and tell him to quit spilling his ink all over you and your teammates.If you’re an NFL player, you must want to punch Aaron Hernandez in his dumb-sullen jaw for making his face into the face of the league.Wholesale Jerseys
That’s the lesson to take from Hernandez’s self-portrait as a pop-style killer with a dead jailhouse gaze, one dangerously in love with his muscled-up arms.Rivera denounced the league’s “jungle ethos” and — incredibly — described NFL players as “fatherless” products recruited from the “inner city” in need of “minders. ” Actually, Hernandez was not fatherless, and he’s from middle-class Connecticut suburbs, not the inner city, and we all know what that 1970s euphemism means.Maurice JonesDrew Jersey
Rivera was followed closely by Limbaugh, who said, “This has the potential to blow the lid open on the NFL and gangs and the whole concept. ” Here is a fact that you may find hard to believe after listening to them: NFL players commit crimes at a much lower rate than their peers in the general population.Mike Thomas Jersey